Beer tents in Laoshan venue for Qingdao Intl Beer Festival
Snack attack at Qingdao Intl Beer Festival
2018 China Intl Consumer Electronics Show held in Qingdao
Annual beer festival opens in Qingdao
Wild birds luxuriate in estuary
Lights and fireworks show lights up sky of Qingdao
Shandong culture promoted at SCO Qingdao summit
In pics: journalists at SCO Qingdao summit
China Post issues commemorative stamp to mark 18th SCO summit
Overseas students work as volunteers of Qingdao SCO summit
Kazakh Meruyert offers services in Qingdao SCO summit
SCO Summit media center opens
SCO Summit: Robots, facial recognition and VR
Charming Qingdao, anticipated SCO summit
Night view of 18th SCO summit host city Qingdao