West Coast New Area

Qingdao opens international trade service platform

( | 2021-09-24

Qingdao officially put the Shandong International Trade Single Window platform into use on Sept 22.

More than 40,000 enterprises have registered, benefiting over 190,000 trading companies, with the total average daily declaration volume exceeding 900,000.

The Shandong International Trade Single Window for Qingdao makes it easier for enterprises and government departments to communicate with each other. It also helps create a more open, transparent, and predictable business environment.

The platform includes a focus on the transparency of port charges. The charging standards are divided into eight categories covering government pricing, as well as charges of quarantine facilities and ports. The standards are available online.

The platform's port service evaluation service enables enterprises to evaluate various service aspects of port institutions, including service attitudes and working efficiency, with the details of evaluated information displayed to the public.

In addition, a high priority will be given to the establishment of channels providing feedback for problems. Enterprises will be able to submit any  business problems they encounter at Qingdao Port through relevant systems and will receive feedback in a timely fashion.

The platform is also focused on public announcements regarding port policies. Notification and announcements of business information in Qingdao will be updated in a timely fashion to deliver policies covering tariffs, maritime affairs, as well as taxation charges.


Qingdao Port in Qingdao, Shandong province [Photo/IC]