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Qingdao West Coast New Area clicks with online healthcare| Updated: March 18, 2021

The Qingdao West Coast New Area has launched an online healthcare platform to help locals better access care services and health information.

The platform offers more than 33 services such as intravenous blood collection, treatment of wounds, maternal nursing and traditional Chinese medicine nursing.

Local residents can book the services via an app, official WeChat account and other online channels. Nurses from five public hospitals in the district will provide door-to-door services for patients.

The platform currently has more than 700 certified nurses providing services to over 2,000 users.

00 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院平台管理员在给网约护士进行派单。(张进刚 摄)电话13854260100.jpg

The platform administrator of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Qingdao West Coast New Area assigns orders to nurses on March 14. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

01 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士在手机医护端接单。(张进刚 摄2)电话13854260100.jpg

Nurses at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Qingdao West Coast New Area check their orders via a mobile terminal. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

02 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士在前往患者家中。(张进刚 摄)电话13854260100.jpg

Nurses head to the homes of patients who have made appointments on March 14 in Qingdao West Coast New Area. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

03 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士管洨在为术后患者进行血管通路维护。(张进刚 摄)电话13854260100.jpg

A nurse performs vascular access maintenance for a patient on March 14 in Qingdao West Coast New Area. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

04 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士管洨准备为患者进行拔罐治疗。(张进刚 摄)电话13854260100.jpg

A nurse prepares cupping therapy for a patient on March 14 in Qingdao West Coast New Area. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

05 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士在为患者进行穴位贴敷治疗。(张进刚 摄)电话13854260100.jpg

A patient receives acupoint treatment at her home on March 14 in Qingdao West Coast New Area. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

06 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士在指导颈椎病患者进行功能锻炼。(张进刚 摄)电话13854260100.jpg

A nurse leads a patient with cervical spondylosis in functional exercises. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]

07 3月14日,青岛西海岸新区中医医院网约护士赵品会(左一)和管洨在为患者进行血糖检测。 (张进刚 摄2)电话13854260100.jpg

A nurse tests a patient's blood sugar at his home on March 14 in Qingdao West Coast New Area. [Photo by Zhang Jingang/provided to]